Idaho Family Strong


Defend Idaho Families

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Our Focus


Provide easy-to-understand information so you know how to effectively advocate for laws that safeguard Idaho Families.


Notify you via text or email when bills are being heard in the Idaho legislature that impact Idaho families.

About Idaho Family Strong

Idaho is family-strong, meaning that our beautiful state is only as strong as our families. With the family under attack like never before, it is more important than ever that its most valiant defenders, everyday moms and dads, speak up.

Idaho Family Strong supports legislation that:

  • Preserves the legal rights and identity of the natural, God-ordained family, consisting of a father, a mother, and their children.
  • Protects the legal definition of biological sex and preserves appropriate sex-segregated facilities and opportunities, such as women’s sports and sex-specific restrooms.
  • Protects the rights of parents to direct the upbringing, education, and care of their children.
  • Protects children against inappropriate government intervention that undermines family values or religious freedom.
  • Holds the government accountable and prevents the use of tax dollars to advance anti-family agendas.
  • Protects the unborn and elevates the value of life, of motherhood, and fatherhood.

If you agree that these foundational values create strong families and a strong state, join Idaho Family Strong.